“INGEOSERVICE” LLC on the Gazprom map

PJSC “Gazprom” is creating the updated version of the map  unified gas supply system of Russian Federaton. The map will provide a complete system view about PJSC “Gazprom” directions of production activities, as well as production, transportation, storing and gas conversion process, the map includes the information about Gazprom subsidiaries and contractors, their place in such a large-scale and complex work.   Also the map will contain the most useful and actual/update data about the working, building and prospective PJSC “Gazprom” objects in Russia and CIS. The information about the “INGEOSERVICE” LLC company will be presented on the map also, the company is one of the service companies that performing contract works on the most important PJSC “Gazprom” projects.

The announcement of our participation is presented below.