Characteristics of the anomalous structure of the Bazhenovsko-Achimovsky complex of the Tagrinsky mega-swell of the Western Siberia

The article “Characteristics of the anomalous structure of the Bazhenovsko-Achimovsky complex of the Tagrinsky mega-swell of the Western Siberia according to the data of drilling and 3D seismic survey” was published in the scientific and technical journal Issue 11 (359) 2021 “Geology, geophysics and exploration of oil and gas fields” by INGEOSERVICE LLC employees. The authors are Borodkin V.N., Smirnov O.A., Lukashov A.V., Plavnik A.G., Markin M.A., Primak L.V.

The paper briefly touches upon various models of the formation of the Bazhenov Formation “anomalous” sections. Based on the results of drilling and 3D seismic survey within the Tagrinsky mega-swell, the authors of the paper came to the conclusion that the formation of the mechanism of this type of sections is the introduction of terrigenous masses of the Achimov strata sediments into the relatively deep-water part of the basin (the Bazhenov Formation) in the form of landslides provoked by storms and earthquakes.


The article is in Russian only.