The definition of classes of potential productivity senensky sediments based on corelation of seismic attributes for conditions of West Siberian north

Magazine «Advances in current natural sciences», No. 4, 2018  issued an article «The definition of classes of potential productivity senensky sediments based on corelation of seismic attributes for conditions of West Siberian north».

This article discusses the study of the productivity potential of the Senonian deposits on the example of one of the fields of the North of Western Siberia. In the tectonic relation the Deposit is confined to the Central North large shaft and the North-Eastern part Total minor depression that complicates Vareganskiy-Purpeyskaya area linear structures. Among the possible sources of hydrocarbons adenomas deposits in Western Siberia are highlighted in a separate group, since their content is confined to the non-traditional type of collector – clay flasks. The absence of a collector in the classical representation makes it difficult to determine the nature of saturation according to the log data and requires petrophysical justification for determining the parameters of filtration-capacitive properties. At the regional and area under study seismic surveys CDP 2D and 3D adenomyoma complex it was found that deposits of Cenon are confined to anticlinal structures, which includes the Cenomanian gas deposits, in the seismic wave field are shown in the form of dynamic anomalies of the type «bright spot». Joint analysis of geological and geophysical parameters of the Senon and senoman deposits revealed a number of regularities that allow to develop new approaches to the study of the prospects of the Senon deposits and on the basis of correlation analysis of seismic data to determine the classes of potential productivity of the reservoir on the example of the field under study. In this article is correlation analysis of attributes of seismic record adenomyoma interval parameters of the Cenomanian deposits on the basis of which are determined by the boundary values to study the sensitivity of seismic wave fields, identifying classes of AVO anomalies and determine the class of the potential productivity of gas-saturated reservoir in Cenon.

Author – Feoktistova O.V.