The article “Sedimentation analysis of the middle jurassic strata of Western Siberia in order to construct an alternative geological model of hydrocarbon accumulations”, was published in the journal “Petroleum Geology.Theoretical and Applied Studies”. Prepared by INGEOSERVICE LLC, West Siberian Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of …

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The article “Prediction of complexly composed terrigenous reservoirs of the Ilbokichskoe field vendian deposits in the Eastern Siberia”, was published in the scientific and technical journal «Geology, geophysics and exploration of oil and gas fields“. Prepared by INGEOSERVICE LLC, TIPGG W-Sb RAS, TIU and Gazprom Nedra LLC employees. Authors: Smirnov O.A., Borodkin V.N., Lukashov A.V., …

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The article “Methodological approach for local prediction of the petroleum bearing paleozoic-mesozoic strata of the Yamal Peninsula on the basis of complex geophysical investigations”, was published in the journal “Petroleum Geology.Theoretical and Applied Studies”. Prepared by INGEOSERVICE LLC and Gazprom nedra LLC employees. Authors: Smirnov O.A., Borodkin V.N., Lukashov A.V., Plavnik A.G., Trusov A.I. On …

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The article “Methodological approach to construction of hydrocarbon deposits geological models in the middle jurassic deposits of the Western Siberia in conditions of abnormally high reservoir pressures”, was published in the scientific and technical journal “Geology, geophysics and exploration of oil and gas fields”. Prepared by INGEOSERVICE LLC, TIPGG W-Sb RAS, TIU and Gazprom Nedra …

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The user’s manual and software Resource Modelling(RM)® is designed to estimate oil, gas resources and gas condensate fields in accordance with Russian and foreign standards has been updated. – implemented the formation of summary tables of resource assessment, in accordance with the requirements of the State Reserves Committee of the Russian Federation; – when considering …

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A new version of the user’s manual for Resource Modelling(RM)® software is designed to estimate oil, gas resources and gas condensate fields in accordance with Russian and foreign standards has been released. Manual is in Russian language only. English version is available by request.

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A new version of Resource Modelling(RM)® software is designed to estimate oil, gas resources and gas condensate fields in accordance with Russian and foreign standards has been released. Possibilities for controlling distribution parameters in stochastic modeling have been expanded. Evaluation of net sand pay is implemented by independent modelling of gross sand and net-to-gross ratio.

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From April 17 to April 21, 2023, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC held the XI Youth International Scientific and Practical Conference “New Technologies in the Gas Industry: Experience and Continuity”. Employees of INGEOSERVICE LLC – Koptyaev Alexey Aleksandrovich and Popp Viktor Alekseevich presented a reports at the conference. Koptyaev Aleksey Alexandrovich took the third place in the …

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A new version of Resource Modelling(RM)® software is designed to estimate oil, gas resources and gas condensate fields in accordance with Russian and foreign standards has been released. Implemented in the current version: – unloading the current implementation of the stochastic model in MS Excel; – the possibility of averaging the main probability quantiles of …

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