The article “Display of the model of hydrocarbons vertical migration within the Kara Sea water area based on the data of 3D seismic survey”, was published in the scientific and technical journal “Geology, geophysics and exploration of oil and gas fields”. Prepared by INGEOSERVICE LLC, TIPGG W-Sb RAS, TIU and Gazprom Nedra LLC employees. Authors: Borodkin V.N., Smirnov O.A., Plavnik A.G., Lukashov A.V. and Trusov K.A.
Based on 3D seismic survey, the article presents information that testifi es to the wide participation of fl uid dynamic processes in hydrocarbon deposits formation. It is shown that the channels of hydrocarbons vertical migration differ in morphological characteris-tics; a conclusion is made about the ongoing formation of gas deposits in the Cenomanian of deposits at the present stage. Fluid dyna-mic systems are shown, which were formed in different epochs of hydrocarbons generation.