INGEOSERVICE LLC is a Russian oil service company providing a wide range of hi-tech geological and geophysical services on land and at sea. The company was established in 1992 and has been successfully cooperating with oil and gas companies for more than 30 years, solving geological and geophysical tasks – from processing and interpretation of seismic data down to the calculation of oil and gas reserves and determining the viability of the investments in subsoil areas.

Important advantages of our company — flexibility and efficiency in solving issues that require urgent action:

  • introducing changes in the work technology;
  • reduction of work time;
  • purchase (lease) of any software product available on the world market;
  • attracting the best specialists to perform unique tasks;
  • deployment of production facilities directly at the customer’s, etc.

Availability of these opportunities often becomes crucial to successfully solve specific geological problems.


A unique team of experienced, highly qualified and young, talented professionals capable of solving complex problems of Petroleum geology while being a leader in the market of services. The staff of the company includes the doctor and candidates of science, postgraduates and external postgraduates.

The company employees have experience in developing prospecting and exploration methods of complex oil and gas fields, constructing digital geological models to estimate reserves, integrated interpretation of geological-geophysical data with the objective of prospecting and exploration of hydrocarbons deposits in various sedimentary basins of the Russian Federation and of the world.

Large-scale projects

INGEOSERVICE LLC Company successfully carries out large-scale projects in the waters of the Barents and Kara seas, in Eastern Siberia, including the significant objects, such as Chayandinsky and Kovyktinsky oil and gas condensate fields, which serve as a resource base for future gas transportation via the gas transmission system Power of Siberia.

The total amount of the successfully completed office studies within the Kovyktinsky and Chayandinsky oil and gas condensate fields made 11 350 square km.


The company uses superior software, both Russian and foreign products combining them in an optimal way to achieve the best possible results. All the above mentioned allows to successfully solve a wide range of problems in the areas with intricate geology (both onshore and offshore), to carry out integrated interpretation of geological and geophysical data starting from digital database creation and regional generalization up to HC reserves assessment.

INGEOSERVICE LLC is one of the leading Russian developers of applications aimed at geophysical data processing and interpretation.


The company’s geography covers all major oil and gas regions of Russia – from the Barents Sea in the northwest to Kamchatka in the east and the North Caucasus in the south. Key employees of INGEOSERVICE LLC  have research experience around the world – Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Colombia, Cuba, Libya, Namibia, Poland, and the USA.

Our company is constantly expanding the geography of its activities, participating in tenders in the territory of Russia, near and far abroad.

Our customers

Company works on the order of major oil companies: PJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries (Gazprom Geologorazvedka LLC, Gazprom Dobycha Nadym LLC, Gazprom Dobycha Urengoi LLC, Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk LLC), PJSC Gazprom Neft, PJSC Rosneft Oil Company, PJSC LUKOIL, Halliburton, PJSC Russneft Oil Company, Repsol, etc.


The management of INGEOSERVICE LLC  values the company’s reputation among subsoil users, therefore, at all stages of the work, particular attention is paid to the quality of the latter’s performance and the reliability of the geological data obtained. The implementation of projects and production issues are addressed to at the sessions of the in-company science and engineering board, comprising the CEO, his deputies and heads of structural divisions.

The organization has a license to perform work connected with the information classified as a state secret, as well as the certificates of ISO ISO 9000, 14000, 31000 and 45001.


INGEOSERVICE LLC adheres to a flexible pricing policy. Customers are offered comfortable conditions of contracts and high quality of work. Numerous positive feedbacks from our partners prove this.

We are open for cooperation!

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