The software Resource Modelling(RM)® is designed to estimate oil, gas resources and gas condensate fields in accordance with Russian and foreign standards has been updated: — added the ability to set the pattern of distribution of initial/input parameters through the expected values of probability quantiles; – added editing of parameters – selective and group selection …

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The article “Display of the model of hydrocarbons vertical migration within the Kara Sea water area based on the data of 3D seismic survey”, was published in the scientific and technical journal “Geology, geophysics and exploration of oil and gas fields”. Prepared by INGEOSERVICE LLC, TIPGG W-Sb RAS, TIU and Gazprom Nedra LLC employees. Authors: …

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The article “Characteristics of the elements of the biogenic and fluidodynamic models of naftigenesis in the section of the Kara Sea on the basis of geochemical and geophysical investigations”, was published in the journal “Petroleum Geology.Theoretical and Applied Studies”. Prepared by INGEOSERVICE LLC, West Siberian Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Trofimuk Institute …

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The article “Promising zones identification in the pre-jurassic section of the Sredne-Nazym field in Western Siberia on the basis of compilation of geological and geophysical data”, was published in the journal “Petroleum Geology.Theoretical and Applied Studies”. Prepared by INGEOSERVICE LLC, West Siberian Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology …

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