The article «Seismogeological model and petroleum prospects of the Paleozoic-Mesozoic strata belonging to the north of Western Siberia on the basis of 2D, 3D seismic exploration», was published in the journal “Petroleum Geology.Theoretical and Applied Studies” by INGEOSERVICE LLC employees. The authors are Borodkin V.N., Smirnov O.A., Lukashov A.V., Plavnik A.G., Teplyakov A.A. On the …

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The article “Characteristics of oil and gas source strata and models of oil and gas generation in the section of the kara sea water area based on the data of geochemical and geophysical investigations” was published in the scientific and technical journal “Geology, geophysics and exploration of oil and gas fields” by INGEOSERVICE LLC, TIPGG …

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The article «Regional model of riftogenesis and structural-tectonic area of the north of Western Siberia and the South Kara syneclise on the geological-geophysical research data», was published in the journal “Petroleum Geology.Theoretical and Applied Studies” by INGEOSERVICE LLC employees. The authors are Smirnov O.A., Borodkin V.N., Lukashov A.V., Plavnik A.G., Trusov A. I. The issues …

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The article “Sedimentological model of the cretaceous strata of the Yamal Peninsula on the basis of composite geological and geophysical investigations” was published in the journal “Petroleum Geology.Theoretical and Applied Studies” by INGEOSERVICE LLC employees. The authors are Borodkin V.N., Smirnov O.A., Lukashov A.V., Plavnik A.G., Teplyakov A.A. Based on a comprehensive analysis of paleogeomorphological …

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The article “To the question of the geological development history of the South Kara syneclise of the Kara sea water area according to 2D, 3D seismic data” was published in the scientific and technical journal “Geology, geophysics and exploration of oil and gas fields” by INGEOSERVICE LLC, TIPGG W-Sb RAS, TIU and Gazprom nedra LLC …

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The article “Actual needs of the industry in the development of competencies of solve promising prtoblems in the development of HRR deposits”, The author is R.R. Shagiev., was published in the journal “Geology and Subsurface Use”, where, used the results of research by the INGEOSERVICE LLC spesialists: Smirnov O.A. and Soldatov G.V. The article deals …

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The article “Regional model of riftogenesis and structural-tectonic area of the north of Western Siberia and the South Kara syneclise on the geological-geophysical research data” was published in the journal “Petroleum Geology.Theoretical and Applied Studies” by INGEOSERVICE LLC employees. The authors are Smirnov O.A., Borodkin V.N., Lukashov A.V., Plavnik A.G., Trusov A.I. Source. The article …

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The article “Characteristic of the regional building model Yamal-Kara region on the basis of potential fields analysis” was published in the journal “Petroleum Geology.Theoretical and Applied Studies” by INGEOSERVICE LLC employees. The authors are Smirnov O.A., Borodkin V.N., Lukashov A.V., Plavnik A.G., Trusov A.I., Susanina O.M. The analysis of the anomalies aggregate of the magnetic …

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