28-30 November, Tyumen will hold the first scientific and practical conference of young scientists and specialists “Geological exploration. Challenges and solutions”. LLC “INGEOSERVICE” will feature several presentations on current topics:
1. The model of sedimentary cover formation in Verkhnevilyuchanskoye licensed area, based on the seismic data of 3D CDP seismic reflection method
Speaker – Lyutzev Dmitriy Mikhailovich
2. Characteristics of Parfenovskaya horizon formation (given on the example of Kovyktinsky LA)
Speaker – Nurakhmetov Dmitriy Maratovich
3. Possible causes of ring structures and consideration of velocity anomalies when constructing framework of the model on the Kara sea shelf
Speaker – Rylkov Aleksey Sergeevich
4. Prediction of the lithotypes distribution of Botuobinsky horizon in the Mirninsky basement high
Speaker – Spiridonova Anastasia Igorevna
5. Possibilities of gravity and magnetic surveys to allocate promising sites in the South of Eastern Siberia
Speaker – Susanina Olga Mikhailovna
6. Features of the geological development and structure of the sedimentary cover of the Barents sea region
Speaker – Melnikova Maria Nikolaevna
Geological exploration. Challenges and solutions