The Chayandinskoe field – the project of implementation of new technologies in Eastern Siberia.

The article “The Chayandinskoe field – the project of implementation of new technologies in Eastern Siberia.” is published in “Geology, Oil&Gas and Mining Engineering” No.2, 2017.

The modern way of studying of the Chayandinskoye oil and gas condensate field (NGKM) is characterized by the introduction of 3D seismic survey, using the full azimuth observation system with a multiplicity of 240. Complex seismic geological conditions within of Eastern Siberia must have high quality of 3D seismic operations. The geological section of the area of operations is characterized by the Lower Proterozoic formations of the crystalline basement and the Vendian, Cambrian, Jurassic, Quaternary deposits of the sedimentary cover. The main role in the structure of the sedimentary cover is played by the terrigenous-carbonate deposits of the Vendian and the halogen-carbonate formations of the Cambrian. The productive part of the section refers to the Botuobinsk, Khamakin and Talakh horizons and is characterized by a very complex structure of natural reservoirs. Study of the structure of the productive part of the section is dictated by the need to prepare the field for operational drilling and field development.

With the purpose of revealing the features of the structure of the productive part of the section in the region with complex seismic and geological conditions, migration is used to the summation in the deep region. The wide-azimuth observational system is aimed at studying the most important problems in the structure: the direction and nature of the change in the fracture, the study of the azimuthal anisotropy of the velocity characteristics of the section, and the identification of the characteristics of the change in the elastic properties. The main technologies for studying the anisotropy of the geological section properties have been adapted and introduced into the practice of seismic exploration: 1. a method based on the study of geometric attributes; 2. azimuthal velocity analysis; 3. azimuth AVO analysis (AVAZ); 4. anisotropic inversion.

Based on the results of the processing and complex interpretation of the seismic data of the CDPM works on the Chayandinskoye oil and gas condensate field, the most important information on the geological structure of sedimentary cover, which made it possible to significantly clarify the concept of the structure of the productive horizons and the geological development of the given area, to more adequately construct the spatial distribution of the reservoir and estimate reserves taking into account the newly constructed structural-tectonic model. 3D seismic survey, seismic attributes, elastic impedance, cubes attributes.

Authors – A. V. Davydov, A. V. Pogretskiy (LLC “Gazprom geologorazvedka”), O. A. Smirnov, A. V. Lukashov, A. P. Pravdukhin (LLC «INGEOSERVICE»), A. R. Kurchikov (IPGG SB RAS), V. N. Borodkin (Tyumen industrial University).