The articles of the company’s employees in the journal Geology, Geophysics and Development of Oil and Gas Fields


1.Features of geological development and modern structure of Predozemelskaya zone dislocation according to 3D seismic survey data (article)

Geology, Geophysics and Oil and Gas fields development, 2020,
№ 1(337). с. 4-9 DOI: 10.30713/2413-5011-2020-1(337)-4-9 / V.N.
Borodkin, A.V. Lukashov, A.R. Kurchikov, A.V. Pogretsky/

2.Collector model prospective zones identification in the sediment interval
of the Hamakinskiy productive horizon of the Siberian platform (article)

Geology, Geophysics and Oil and Gas fields development, 2020,
№ 3(339). с. 4-12 DOI: 10.30713/2413-5011-2020-3(339-4-12 / A.V.
Lukashov, A.V. Pogretsky, A.R. Kurchikov, V.N. Borodkin, V.I. Samitova/

3.On the subject of identifying collector zones in the Bazhenov formation sediments Western Siberia 3D (article)

Geology, Geophysics and Oil and Gas fields development , 2020,
№ 4(340). с. 4-13 DOI: 10.30713/2413-5011-2020-4(340)-4-13 /IE.
Borodkin, A.R. Kurchikov, M.A. Markin, A.V. Lukashov /