Сharacteristics of the geological model and oil and gas potential prospects for the neokomsky complex

The article “Сharacteristics of the geological model and oil and gas potential prospects for the neokomsky complex in the transition zone from yamalsky to gydansky and urengoy-purpeysky lithofacial regions in the western siberia according to 3d seismic survey data” was published in the scientific and technical journal Issue 5(353) 2021 “Geology, geophysics and exploration of oil and gas fields” by INGEOSERVICE LLC employees. The authors are Borodkin V.N., Smirnov O.A., Kurchikov A.R., Lukashov A.V., Pogretski A.V.

The paper briefly reviews the ideas about the stratification of the Neocomian deposits section. Seismic facial complexes were taken as a basis for geological modeling, instead of formation units, including reservoirs in the coastal shallow-water zone in a relatively deep-water isochronous clinoform formations of the Achimov strata. Within the investigated territory, the characteristics of the established oil and gas content of the complex are presented, promising objects are identified on the basis of 3D seismic prospecting, and their seismic-geological characteristics are given.

Article is in Russian only.

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