New Projects –interesting tasks

The high quality of the Seismic data processing and interpretation allows company optimizing the risks and the investment costs when during the development of oil and gas fields. Initially it is crucial to assemble a team of experienced specialists with wide experience in working on all types of hydrocarbon fields and regions and capable to solve oil and gas geology multiple tasks.

INGEOSERVICE LLC constantly increases its processing power which, together with accumulated experience and staff professionalism helps to attract the company as a Contractor for the large projects. Thus, INGEOSERVICE LLC was declared as the winner in 14 tenders in 2017 including the following:

  • Reprocessing and reinterpretation of 2D seismic data in the Barents Sea, total value more than 63 000 linear km.
  • Processing and interpretation of 3D seismic data – Fersmanovskiy LA (license area), total value 4150 linear km.
  • Processing and interpretation of 3D seismic data – Leningradskiy, Rusanovskiy, Nevskiy LA total value near 12 500